Do you want your children to have an art education but you’re not sure where to start?

Teaching your child about art and the great artists has never been easier!

"We love your videos! They are so helpful! Thank you so much!
Lorena T.

Does this sound familiar?

You have no art training so you feel inadequate, and you lack the knowledge to teach it.

Let’s face it – teaching about art and great artists when your only knowledge of art is drawing stick figures can be pretty intimidating.

And even if you can draw and have an art background, it's hard to know where to start in teaching your kids to appreciate art.

It’s so exhausting to spend hours of planning and prep work for every subject. With teaching and grading math, writing and ALL THE THINGS, (and fitting in laundry, shopping, cooking and cleaning), you don’t really want to start from scratch on another subject you're not comfortable with.

And there’s nothing more disheartening than having your children yawn and tell you it’s boring when you have actually put in the work to add art to the school day. 

You know there have got to be kid-friendly music resources out there that are “open and go”, but you haven’t found them yet. 

Maybe you’ve even searched the library for art books or gotten lost on YouTube looking up videos of artists.

And yet, it’s not quite working.  

You’re just not comfortable teaching a subject you have little background in. You’re tired of scouring the internet for resources to create a hodge-podge mess of a curriculum. 


You’re not alone. Many homeschool moms feel inadequate in teaching art. 

The truth is that having the right curriculum is a game-changer...  

One that will give you the confidence and relief of providing fun, engaging lessons for the whole family...  

And even offer “plug and play” lessons with everything you need in one place. 

If only your child could get lessons from a Dutch Master!
(And if you don't know what on earth a Dutch Master is, don't worry! We'll get you up to speed right away!)

Hi, I'm Justina!
(AKA Rembrandt)

And I want to be your guide in teaching about art and great artists to your children!

As a homeschooling mom, I know you don't want another curriculum that requires two to three hours of prep for every hour of lessons!

Fortunately, there are those who love the subject and can teach you and your child in an online course to make everything easy. 

Yep! I’m talking about me.

Let me be your online art teacher with my 20 years of teaching experience!

That’s exactly what The Artist Detective is – an online course where I dress up as Rembrandt and other great artists and teach your children so that the artists and their art come to life!

I have created fun videos for learning about famous artists and their art so you can simply log into the course and play the next video!

Bring art and history to life with The Artist Detective.


Helping families investigate the lives and music of some of the world’s great and influential artists in an engaging way!  

Investigating Andrew Wyeth from The Artist Detective is an easy-to-use, all-in-one online course for elementary and middle school students, designed to help you lead your children in investigating the life and art of some of the world's greatest artists, so that you exude the confidence of a Dutch Master painter (Rembrandt), and they fall in love with art.

History and art come to life as Rembrandt guides your child in meeting Great Artists like himself in a biographical video and learning about his famous and important art works. 

If you are a homeschooling parent, especially if you are a Classical Conversations tutor, or if you want to get your whole family interested and engaged in learning about art and Great Artists, this is an opportunity that I promise you will not want to miss.

Let's make art and history fun!

THAT WAS CLASSICALLY WONDERFUL!!! Thank you for sharing in this manner – my girls LOVED your portrayal. Thank you!

Helen P.


When you purchase Investigating Andrew Wyeth from The Artist Detective, you will have instant access to the tools you need to teach with the confidence of Rembrandt! You and your child will meet Andrew Wyeth from the 21st century and investigate his life and important art works.

Investigating Andrew Wyeth:

Artist unit study which includes:

Biography video, so that you know who this artist is and have fun getting to know him

Curated portfolio of art work by the artist, so that you become familiar with and enjoy some of the great works of this artist and get to know a few characteristics of the genre of art and fun facts about the works

Activity sheets, so that you interact with the terms and facts about the artists and make learning fun and easy

Lesson plan suggestions, so that you don’t have to prepare lessons in advance and know what to do each day

"The fact that you don't "read" to us but instead tell stories is a huge factor in keeping the interest high and the content relevant. Your talents in becoming characters and the costumes...are phenomenal. You disseminate information in bite-size, memorable ways. Your approach makes it easy to focus and easy to recall, so important to learning."  

Kate C.

This is for you if:

You want your child to learn about great artists in a fun, engaging curriculum.

You want an art appreciation program where you can lead your child but you don’t have to do a lot of preparation.

You want the curriculum (videos, lesson plans, worksheets) all in one place.

You want your child to learn to enjoy all kinds of art.

You want your child to be well-rounded.

You are a homeschooling parent wanting to teach your child art, especially if you use these curriculum models:

   Classical model

   Classical Conversations

   Charlotte Mason

   Unit studies

This is NOT for you if:

You already know a lot about the Great Artists and are confident teaching about them yourself.

You are happy to do all the preparation and research yourself.

You have all the resources and videos you need.

"Your videos are funny and fabulous, we love them! Thank you!!!” 

 Miranda M.
  • How much time should I devote to studying art?
    You can plan on spending 10-20 minutes two to three days a week using the basic lesson plans.
  • Are there benefits of art appreciation I don’t know about?
    Art is a part of human expression and being human. Art appreciation will balance out the more academic subjects to bring beauty and enjoyment into your child’s life and will give your child a well-rounded education.

    Also, the more we know about something, the more we enjoy it. Art can be enjoyed at all ages.
  • How many artists do I need to study?
    As few or as many as you want. You can choose one artist for a short unit study or you can study six or more in a semester or year.
  • I already have so many school subjects to prepare for. Is this going to take a lot of time?
    No! This is an “open and go" course with no prep required (except to print a few sheets) to guide you and your child through learning about great artists and their art works.

Yes! Add an extra art unit study to my order for $9!

Investigating Thomas Gainsborough Unit Study Add-on
Add Investigating Thomas Gainsborough to your purchase to complement your study of Andrew Wyeth with another artist unit study with your children!

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Investigating Andrew Wyeth$17

  • Total payment
  • 1xInvestigating Andrew Wyeth$17

All prices in USD
